I have done nothing in the gardens due to the mud. The potatoes are coming up and the peas and radishes are marking the rows well. Not to mention the rain, it has also been cold - with the past several days only realizing highs in the 40's. One night last week we actually even had some snowflakes!
The mushroom season is nearly over. The abundance of rain has led to nice morel crop. I probably had overall my best year hunting them. A friend of mine found one the other day that measured 10" tall!
Our chickens are growing quickly. They have feathers on their wings now and they are really starting to go through the feed. I enlarged their pen the other day and raised the heat lights up a notch. I suppose it won't be too long and I'll be wanting to make a pen for them out of doors. I kind of enjoy having a few "livestock chores" to do in the morning!
The kids are nearing the end of their school year. We do give them a break for the summer, although they still are required to maintain a daily reading regimen. They are looking forward to concluding their remaining text books.
We received our property tax bill in the mail yesterday. It was up a significant percentage. I also noticed it is taking over a $50 bill to fill the van up. It would seem that the time is coming that due to inflation and rising taxes that soon the average working guy will not be able to own a home, unless he decides to get into one of those treacherous interest only loans. Considering the tremendous debt load of America and her citizens, I have concerns that our days as a prosperous nation economically are nearing a close. "The borrower is the lenders slave." Thus far our slavery has not appeared particularly onerous, but I fear that we be filling the bite of usury soon.
Hello Bob,
Long time since I've visited here. I enjoy your pic's and commend your work towards agrarianianism. Rain tends to be the life source for us all and it is surely a blessing from the Lord.
BTW, here in Mississippi we receive a homested exemption on our property tax, I suppose MO. doesn't provide anything like that eh?
Howdy Bob,
Your blog is like a rock that is unmoved by the raging currents of pagan culture. I am encouraged by your steady ways and wisdom. BTW, we are lot closer to getting Missouri Woods under way. I would like to interview sometime about your woodworking.
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